avril 2021

garde de sécurité parlant au walkie

4 façons d'améliorer votre stratégie de sécurité d'entreprise

Physical security operators know that when it comes to compliance and risk mitigation, navigating the ins and outs will be the difference between overall success and costly failure. So what can corporate security leaders do to improve compliance and reduce risk? First and foremost, the simplest way organizations can prevent compliance issues is by partnering [...]

4 façons d'améliorer votre stratégie de sécurité d'entreprise Lire la suite

atténuation des risques touche clavier

Stratégies de conformité et d'atténuation des risques pour la sécurité physique

Physical security companies have a lot to manage when it comes to compliance. Where they operate, how they operate, and the clients they contract with all impact what a security guard company has to do in order to maintain compliance. Our team has spoken in length about compliance for just about every topic – training, insurance, access

Stratégies de conformité et d'atténuation des risques pour la sécurité physique Lire la suite