The PSR: Week of May 2nd, 2022

Hi friends – Tim Lozier here.

This week’s security rundown is a rapid-fire take on some of the current movement happening in the physical security industry space. We’ll look at key topics and add our quick looks Jeff DiDomenico and I will once again try to keep it under 5 minutes. Will we make it? Tune in to find out.

Episode 3: The Revenge of the Market Merge and Basketball Dreams 

  1. HSS and Tarian Holdings Merge: We’re looking at another example of private equity investing in the security guard market, with HSS joining forces with Tarian Holdings. The takeaway is the growth and promise of a return that this industry is commanding, and we expect this can only mean good things for our future and continued market valuation of our physical security guard firms.
  2. Private Policing on the Rise? Something that we saw recently is a growth in the rise of private policing with security firms now working in these communities to help mitigate crime risk in wealthier neighborhoods. We’ve seen this not just in Chicago (where the article originated), but all over the country as another potential market opens up for the security guard industry.
  3. OSHA violation on Safe Workplace and Training: OSHA recently cited an organization for not promoting a safe and healthy environment that led to an unfortunate event for an officer. Moreover, this now puts a spotlight on the need for proper working conditions and the importance of building successful training. Our Thinkcurity webinar with Intellum touches on the need for security officer training, and making training plans that keep officers and their clients safe.
  4. Amazon Reporting Lower than Expected Earnings, overstaffed: We just saw the earnings report from Amazon which came as a surprise to many, but moreover the over-hiring of workers and potential strikes. This may present an opportunity for security guard firms looking to recruit and hire in the wake of Amazon’s missteps. Is this a viable job pool for security officers?
  5. NBA Guard displays Exemplary Behavior: We loved this story because it shows the positive outcome of a properly trained and diligent security officer. Their situational awareness and quick action led to an apprehension that was efficient and harmless to the protester or stadium attendees. We need to see more stories like this one that puts the positive spotlight on security officers. I hope we get to see more stories like this in the future.

That’s this week’s rundown. Stay tuned for more rundowns as we jump on the topics of the week and try to get it done in 5 minutes…. Sort of.

Take care,
